Benjamin Osalira

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Hi! I'm Ben Osalira
Full Stack Developer

My favorite tech includes JavaScript , React.js/Next.js, Vue.js, Django, Flask, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.js + Express.js & java, python3 !

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A few of my creative endeavors.

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A bit aboutme.

I am . . .


a software engineering Student

I taught myself to code using free online resources and absolutely fell in love with thecreativity and problem solving that is involved in developing and engineering innovative new softwares. That's why i decided to study Software Engineering.


a learning enthusiast

Starting off with HTML & CSS, JavaScript and evolving my knowledge base to include JavaScriptframeworks, backend programming, design, cloud services and much much more.


an excellent communicator

Communication is key and it's a paramount value of mine. I believe in transparencyand constructive communication above all else. This helps me develop deep relationships andensures my effectiveness and productivity in any work space with any team.

The Complete Package

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